St. Mary of Vernon’s Small Christian Communities are informal groups of parishioners who come together to create community, develop spiritually, and grow in the knowledge of the Catholic faith. These groups offer an environment for people to explore our faith and how it relates with the joys, challenges and hopes of our lives. For the past several years, four Small Christian Communities have been meeting once a month to share their faith and their lives together. We would now like to extend this opportunity to more people in the St. Mary of Vernon Parish Community.
Small Christian Communities generally meet once-per-month for 90 minutes, and once-per-week during the Lenten season.
For more information about joining a current group, please contact the parish office at 847-362-1005.
Singles and couples, over 18 years old, are welcome for evenings of prayer, discussion and fellowship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month (except for Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday weekends).
The group meets at 7:00 p.m. at the home of parishioner Nancy Barrettsmith. For more information about the group, or directions, call 847-913-0203.