Everyone is welcome and encouraged to write prayer intentions in our Parish Book of Prayers.
You will find the Book of Prayers in the Narthex of the Worship Center. Here you may list the names of anyone for whom you desire prayer. If for any reason you are unable to write your intentions in the book, you may call the parish office and a staff person will do it for you.
If you have a need for intense prayer for yourself or others, or are experiencing a crisis in your life, our prayer ministers will pray for your special need on a daily basis for one week. Prayer intention slips are available on the stand in the Narthex. After filling out the slip, place it in the locked box on the side of the stand. If you would like your intentions remembered for more than one week, you must fill out and deposit a slip for each week.
You may also submit your intention online by using our online form below. Prayer requests will remain confidential.
Parish Prayer Ministers pray daily for the intentions of parishioners requesting prayer. All requests are kept confidential using first names only. Prayer Ministers pray for these intentions for one week, after which time additional prayer requests may be submitted.