Many newcomers to St. Mary of Vernon notice that some things are unique to this local church. A word of explanation might help clarify why things are done here the way that they are. When you enter our church for worship, you cannot help but notice that things are not as quiet or subdued as they might be in other parish churches. Here you will find all kinds of conversations and greetings going on, and you’ll experience children being children.
What we have nurtured here at St. Mary of Vernon is the sense that when we gather for worship we gather not only as individuals, but also as God’s family, in friendship and love. We greet and welcome one another in the Lord. For Christ is present, not only in Word and Sacrament, but also in God’s people. When we welcome one another, we welcome the one who sent and gathered us by his love. When we cry out a “hello” to friends we haven’t seen in weeks - that’s spontaneous, natural and good. Building community and celebrating friendship are essential requirements for parish Eucharist. The natural urge to recognize each other as friends enables us to see in faith that we are all children of one Father, sisters and brothers of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Then, when it is time to begin our Eucharist, the welcoming noise subsides as we join in praying our mass together, in union with God and, through God, in “communion” with one another.
Yes, there are lots of children. Always have been and, we fondly hope, always will be. So, thank you, Lord, for the children. We don’t have a “cry room” because we want everyone to be at home together as one family. Thanks, too, for the seniors and the handicapped who love to come where there are no stairs and they are surrounded by life. Thank you for the deaf, who cannot hear, but see and feel that they are a welcome blessing to all of us and that this is their home.
Finally, we hope that no one finds the sounds of St. Mary of Vernon an impediment to saying their prayers. Please remember that the Mass is the prayer of God’s family, the church. Like a family gathered to celebrate a special anniversary, we celebrate our faith which is gift to all of us. That is the heart of what Jesus asked us to do: “Do this and remember me. Just as long ago Jesus gathered around him a hillside full of men, women and children for teaching and breaking bread, so today does Jesus gather us as a community who come together to celebrate Eucharist. We give up some aspects of our private prayer so that we can share prayer in common. It is the offering of a people - all of us - young and old - who proclaim the death and rising of Jesus until he comes again.
Welcome to St. Mary of Vernon.
In our community life, we seek to become people who share in God’s compassion, moral vision, and saving grace. We invite you to travel along this road with us, to become part of a dynamic journey of discovery and mission.
We encourage you to take advantage of our various ministries and activities for all ages. Get involved as you are able or desire. You might want to share a particular God-given gift or talent, in whatever way and with whatever time you can give. To find opportunities for spiritual enrichment and outreach in service at St Mary of Vernon, browse through this website and learn more about our parish ministries.
Come worship with us regularly, recharge your faith in the midst of life’s complexities, and make new friends while serving others.
There are a couple of different ways to register as a new member or update your family's registration. You can either:
You may also pick up a welcome folder filled with information for new parishioners in the Church Narthex.
Please note that these forms will not register the children for the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). Refer to the PREP page for information about PREP registration.