Marriage is a holy and spiritual journey, undoubtedly the most important commitment two people will ever make to one another before God, and it is one that we take very seriously. Its importance necessitates prayer and planning. Arrangements for weddings at St. Mary of Vernon need to be made at least four months in advance.
To begin planning for a wedding at St. Mary of Vernon, contact the office at 847-362-1005.
St. Mary of Vernon’s Marriage Preparation Ministry is directed by married couples from the parish who meet with engaged couples to discuss topics of interest and things that concern people approaching marriage in contemporary society. Gatherings, which are scheduled on a Friday evening and Saturday afternoon, take place in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. This ministry offers a parish-based alternative to the Archdiocesan Pre-Cana program.
For more information about Marriage Prep, please contact Sue Wogan at 847-362-1005.