Objective #1 Foster a culture that ignites and sustains a joyful enthusiasm for our faith.
1.1 Provide parishioners with opportunities to establish a personal relationship with Jesus through enhanced Retreat experiences.
1.2 Explore alternative floor plans of Narthex to better engage parishioners after mass.
1.3 Provide parishioners with increased exposure to Reconciliation.
1.4 Hot topic night – create forum to address current topics.
1.5 Explore Alpha, Re-lit and other Christian-based program offerings.
Objective #2 Keeping families connected after the sacraments of initiation.
2.1 Initiate teen ministered mass (greeters, choir, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers) to occur at the time that the teen choir sings.
2.2 Organize a forum where Teens talk to PREP students about Catholic Heart Work Camp, Alpha Omega, etc.
2.3 Baptism – explore ways of engaging parents after Baptism.
Objective #3 Grow the 20-40 year old age group at SMV.
3.1 Focusing on singles in this age group: identify official support from SMV, i.e. Deacon.
3.2 Establish small Christian community specifically for singles, e.g. Strength Finders.
3.3 Explore ways of engaging married couples in this age group, e.g. Anniversary mass and social/dinner for couples married 1 - 15 years.
3.4 Explore additional marriage enrichment options (e.g. couples mentoring) to drive increased parish participation post-wedding.
Objective #4 Re-propose the Gospel to those who have drifted from the practice of the faith.
4.1 Create Christmas/Easter themed events outside of the parish.
4.2 Explore options to create a follow up on Easter book.